Ten More Talents?
In Jesus’ parable about the talents, it’s clear the Lord gives us unique abilities He intends us to invest and use well. In his story about two managers (Matthew 25:14-30) the men invest and double the talents they were given. The manager with two talents doubled them into four. The one with five turned them into ten. We think he kept going for ten more. Meanwhile, another manager buried his talents to avoid losing anything. We strive to invest our talents well in all areas of life, including business careers.
Keep Growing And Using Your Gifts And Talents
The Challenge:
Today, Christian men in the business world want to leverage their God-given talents like the first two managers in Jesus’ parable but can face challenges growing their businesses or in finding solid opportunities to match their skills and passions with their work. This can be especially challenging for younger Christian men in the early stages of their career. Sadly, some Christian circles compound the problem by devaluing “secular” careers as not Kingdom-building work. This misguided theme among many men’s “discipleship” ministries can lead Christians to question if their work itself matters to God. Meanwhile, Next Generation Christian business leaders are looking for a community of experienced businessmen with a biblical worldview to whom they can turn for real answers, guidance and examples to grow in the business careers for which they are designed and to which they are called.
Your Work Matters to God – And To Us!
The Ten More Talents Answer:
We believe your work matters to God. For most men, a business or professional career is their God-given calling in life. It’s what they were created to be and do. How frustrating then, when facing normal business challenges, to hear that their work doesn’t have any eternal value anyway! It’s time for a welcoming community of Christian men of all ages and stages of their careers to encourage each other in their business, open doors through networking, and help mentor and inspire the Next Generation?
Ten More Talents is the community where businessmen enjoy camaraderie and new opportunities to grow their lives and businesses to the glory of God. It’s where Next Generation Christian business leaders develop natural mentoring relationships with more experienced Christian businessmen through all-ages gatherings and through small groups of six to eight Next Gen men meeting regularly with leaders with more experience. It’s a space to grow. And flourish. It’s through community with guest speakers, prayer requests and questions & answers – not a “class” or a top-down “curriculum,” although wisdom is gained through curated readings, guided discussions of relevant Scripture and sharing of real-life experience in business. That’s one of the best ways we know to love our neighbors as ourselves and transform our city. But it all starts with a community of Christian businessmen who know God cares about their work as much as He cares about them – that’s the foundation.
TMT’s Mission
Ten More Talents’ Mission is to form a community of Christian business and professional men in Dallas who help each other flourish at work as a calling from God AND to invest time and resources in the Next Generation of business leaders.
Ten More Talents’ Vision is to see thousands of Christian businessmen in DFW overcome the sacred-secular divide, so they see their daily work as God sees it: as a calling. We plan to achieve this by viewing our work as a primary place of apprenticeship to Jesus through which we honor the Lord and bless our neighbors. If realized, this Vision will be used by God through the “faithful presence” of business and professional men who know how deeply God cares about them and their work.
Our Values:
• A warm community is essential to strengthen Christian businessmen and professionals.
• We nurture strong relational bonds with other Christian businessmen of all stages of career growth.
•God’s lovingkindness forges these meaningful relationships as we care for one another in such a crucial part of our lives as our work and careers.
• We believe all gifts, talents and abilities are given to us by God as we co-labor with the Lord in our day-to-day work, serving people God loves.
Who We Are
Jeff Swan |
Founder, Ten More Talents |
Michael Grishman |
Founder, TMS Consulting, LLC |
Huntley Paton | Business Author, Former Publisher of The Dallas Business Journal |
Seth Allen & Dustin Gibson
Sunflower Bank
Brad Kaufman
Bravo Kilo Advisors |
Chris Hill |
K&S Insurance
James Peel |
Lockton Companies
Chris McNeill |
Blank Rome, LLP
Jason VanBorssum |
Chaplain, former Hollywood Studio Executive
George DiGianni |
Entrepreneur, Capital Raising
Justin Webb |
EBB Group
Bryan Flanagan |
Flanagan Training
Patrick Hamner |
Patriot Capital
Hondo Davis |
Alamar Ventures, Inc.
Plus dozens of other faith-driven businessmen who gather at the Dallas Country Club for a monthly networking luncheon and in small mentoring groups of Next Generation Christian business leaders. We also gather for happy hour fellowship and other occasions.
4 Ways You Can
Get Involved
As a nonprofit organization, we ask for funding to provide these much-needed services to men who are seeking to use their talents in the marketplace to the glory of God.